Ergonomic and Orthopaedic Seating

Back pain is the second most common cause of absence from work in Great Britain. Every year over four million working days are lost as a result of back pain and on average an employee with back pain takes 17 days off to recover from an episode. Back pain can severely impact someone’s ability to do their job, although work may not have necessarily caused the back pain in the first-place, Adequate back pain prevention and management is advantageous for both employers and employees.

There is good evidence to show that work can be beneficial in helping most people either return to full fitness or manage their back pain. From the employer’s perspective keeping someone in work helps maintain the skills level and knowledge that the person brings to the team and environment

Here at Smiths, we pride ourselves at being able to help employers reduce the hours lost by their employees. Whether it be by a seating assessment or looking at work practices and advising our client on the correct approach.